Does Jewelry Have the Same Effect as Pheromones?

For the last several years I’ve been lucky to have been on some of the most incredible cruise ships in the world showcasing AndreaGems jewelry. Everything about life is lush when I’m aboard cruise ships. The sun is brighter and more intense, the ocean drenches you in the color blue so blue that it defies description. I’ve been to places where palaces are so exquisite, it boggles the mind that ancient man was so full of art and majesty. I realize the need to create beautiful things and places is primal, genetic. We wouldn’t be human without a basic need for beauty and adornment in our lives.
The continual inspiration that I receive is priceless. The women I meet on board, so interesting, vital and curious about life. So many of them love beautiful things also, especially when they’re wearing my jewelry! Time and time again I’ve seen women catch their breath in amazement when they’ve come to the jewelry salon and to try on a phenomenal piece of jewelry.

AndreaGems Pheremones!

It’s fabulous having them twirl, flirt and be amazingly seductive with the men that pass by. AndreaGems jewelry is gem pheromones! My pieces are beautiful, but something happens when you wear them. They seem to bring out the primal, sensual being in every woman. I see it happen time and time again.

Okay, maybe the oceanic cruise has something to do with it, but c’mon, not everybody gasps in delight when they try on just any designer jewelry. I can’t wait for my next cruise. I’ll be doing a holiday western Caribbean cruise to some islands I’ve never been, and I thought I’d traveled almost everywhere in the Caribbean. New islands, new inspiration, new experiences, new friends. Life is good!